ABCDs of Acute Behavioural Emergencies (24)
ABCDs of Acute Behavioural Emergencies
Assessment, Principles of Management, Legal issues, Medical Clearance, Pharmacology of Sedative Agents
Please note there is a new version of the course.
The course is an accredited learning activity for 6 hours for medical and nursing continuing professional development.
For GPs the course is an accredited CPD activity for the 2023-2025 triennium with ACRRM (Course Code : 28789 : 3.5 Educational Activity and 2.5 Reviewing Performance Hours) and RACGP (Course Code : 404226: 3.5 Educational Activity and 2.5 Reviewing Performance Hours).
Latest Course update: January 2024
Designed for medical officers, nurses, paramedics and students in all medical fields.
Behavioural emergencies are complex and misleading. The cause of acute behavioural disturbance may be as simple as “a bottle of vodka” or as sinister as meningitis. The differential diagnosis is incredibly broad and these patients require careful assessment of both their physical and mental health. The immediate priority in the emergency management of these patients is on reducing risk (to the patient and others) and screening for immediately treatable medical causes such as head injury, hypoglycaemia, infection, drug intoxication or withdrawal. The course explores the immediate approach to the care of the patient with acute behavioural disturbance and the procedure and pharmacological options for managing severe agitation. A CPD Certificate is provided with successful completion of the course for 6 CPD hours
The course is divided into the following four sections :
1. Immediate management priorities : The "ABCD" Approach to the Patient with Behavioural Disturbance
2. Medical Causes for Behavioural Disturbance and Legal Issues in relation to Involuntary Detention
3. Procedure and Pharmacological Management of the Severely Agitated Patient
4. Pharmacology of the commonly used Sedative Agents