B-CET: CRASH + NALS Workshop
Critical Care - Resuscitation - Advanced Life Support - Newborn ALS
Welcome to the B-CET CRASH + NALS eLearning
The course is delivered using a combination of online learning of core material with a hand's on skills / simulation workshop. The course covers a broad range of resuscitation skills and knowledge required for the management of the critically ill patient and resuscitation of the newborn.
Course Learning Objectives
At the completion of the CRASH course, participants will be able to demonstrate competency in the application of critical thinking and procedural skills to :
1. Structured assessment of the critically ill or deteriorating patient
2. Recognition and emergency management of immediate life threats to the airway, breathing, circulation and central nervous system
3. Basic and Advanced Life Support in the patient in cardiac arrest
4. Participation and clinical leadership of the resuscitation team
5. Initiate of resuscitation of the newborn